Frequently Asked Questions
How is DC-CRP structured?
What is the link between DC-CRP and CRP in other locations?
What is the best way to achieve successful outcomes for DC-CRP activities?
What is the primary deliverable of the DC-CRP?
What type of data or case information is made available to panel members?
Given the mandated oversite responsibilities of the CRP, what is the best way to achieve a working relationship between the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) and the DC-CRP?
The DC-CRP is an independent entity Members are appointed by the Mayor and by DC Council by resolution. Diversity is essential to ensure different perspectives from all sections of the District of Columbia. None of the CRP members shall be employees of the DC government.
District citizens may learn about DC CRP activities through the website, meeting minutes, annual reports, testimonies and/or attendance at quarterly meetings. Dates, time and location of CRP Quarterly meetings are posted on the DC Register, CFSA website and the CRP website. The Open Meetings Act require that CRP meetings be open to the public.
Each year there is a CRP National Conference which is hosted in various locations through-out the United States. Panel members have an opportunity to participate in conference workshops, make presentations, and collaborate with other CRP individuals from around the country. Twice a year, “Citizen Connections,” the E-newsletter of the National Citizen Review Panel Community is disseminated to panel members. Information is published about state updates, information about the National Advisory Board and National Conference highlights.
DC-CRP conducts strategic planning sessions to identify the most relevant issues to evaluate. The Chairperson of each Working Group helps to guide the process.
Each year, the Citizen Review Panel is required to submit an annual report summarizing the Panel’s activities and recommendations for CFSA. Further, the report provides information on the District’s progress in implementing Panel recommendations. There is broad dissemination to public and private stakeholders.
Data is the “key ingredient” of Citizen Review Panel (CRP) work. Without access to timely, accurate data from CFSA, this CRPs would not be able to carry out our federally mandated responsibilities. The purpose of the data request is to learn more about the agency interventions provided to children and families that are receiving care from CFSA. To understand both the scope and outcomes it is necessary to review case records, agency oversite/budget testimonies, and to examine quantitative data sources.
DC-CRP is required to evaluate how well child welfare agencies follow state regulations, agency policies, procedures, and best practice. The CRP goal is to link recommendations to this overall mandate. We recognize that DC- CRP and CFSA are ultimately working for the same purpose that is the protection and wellbeing of all children and families. It is in the best interests to work together towards the shared goals of achieving safety, permanency and well-being for children, and the best approach for achieving this is to build and maintain a healthy relationship.